Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Welcome to our blog full of colourful experiments, that will teach you more about colours and other fun aspects. You can carry out most of the experiments at home as long as you have the equipment. They are all easy to make and all have fun outcomes, which are usually very colourful.
Grab some of your friends and this is a great way to spend an afternoon.

Hey year 2
We made this blog for you
With lots of fun experiments to do

Because colors are cool
To learn in school
And so make year 2 rule

- Make sure you have an adult with you at all times when you carry out the experiments.

Contents of Experiments:
1. Colorful flowers
2.  M&Ms
3. Lava Lamp
4. Volcano
5. Fireworks in water
6. Colourful Slime
7. Prism
8. Flame test
9. Image flip
10. Bubbles

Monday, June 24, 2013

1) Cool Colour Experiments - Colourful Flowers

For this experiment you will need:
  • Flowers (white flower works best)
  • Water
  • Food Colouring
  • Test tube

2) Cool colour experiments - m&m's

We can extract the colours from m&m's using this neat trick!

Cool color equipment
  • m&m's (without peanuts!)
    • or Skittles
  • Water
  • Evaporating basin

3) Cool Colour Experiments - Lava Lamps

For this experiment, you will need:

  • Oil
  • Fizzy Tablet
  • Container
  • Torch

Teacher's Tips
These equipments are obtainable from the secondary science labs and for this experiment please make sure the children do not ingest the fizzy tablets.

4) Cool Colour Experiments - Volcano!

For this experiment, you will need
  • Liquid soap
  • Hydrogen peroxide (0.5 Moles)
  • Vinegar
  • Potassium iodide (put it in AT THE END)

  • Adding food dye will color your lava!


Teacher's Tips:
You can get these equipments from the secondary office and while conducting this experiment, please keep the children away from the hydrogen peroxide as it is an irritant. Also, the food dye might stain your hand and clothes and if you don't want this to happen, please wear a lab coat, safety goggles and gloves.

5) Cool Colour Experiments - Fireworks in Water!

For this experiment, you will need:

  • Water
  • Oil

  • Food Colouring

6) Cool Colour Experiments - Colourful Slime

For this experiment you will need:

  • PVC glue
  • Borax
  • Water
  • Food colouring


Teacher's Tips
To ensure the safety of the children, please do not let them ingest any of the ingredients of this experiment.

7) Cool Colour Experiments - Prism

For this experiment, you will need:

  • a glass prism 
  • ray box
Teacher's Tips:
Make sure the power supply is at 12V or less.

8) Cool Colour Experiments - Flame Test

For this experiment, you will need:

  • different substances

  • bunsen burner and/or a camping stove

  • Nichrome Wire

  • Mortar and Pestle
  • 1 M of HCL (beware it's corrosive)

Teacher's Tips
These equipment are all available from the secondary office. Also, when you are conducting this experiment please wear lab coats and safety goggles and make sure the children are in reasonable distance to prevent unanticipated incidents.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

9) Cool Colour Experiments - Image Flip

For this experiment, you will need:
  • Glass beaker (see-through container).

  • Image, photograph, or drawing of your choice.

 (doesn't have to be a sloth)

  • Water
Teachers tips:
Don't locate the glass/container too close to the image.

Friday, June 21, 2013

10) Cool Colour Experiments - Bubbles

For this experiment, you will need:
  • Soap
  • Straw
  • Food coloring (dye)
  • Paper
Teacher tips:
Do not suck fluid up the straw, blow fluid out only.

Colour Conclusion

Colour is an amazing thing! You see it everywhere, especially in the world of science!
Share this blog, so that all your friends can do these awesome cool color experiments!!